The Obligatory (and Tardy) NaNoWriMo Announcement

Est. Reading Time: < 1 minute

Here it is day 2 of NaNoWriMo 2019 and I am just now announcing my intentions to participate. Thankfully, I did not forget to start writing and I am now over 5000 words in.

I’m back in the thriller genre for a fourth or fifth time, depending upon how you count it. I have started four thrillers for NaNoWriMo, but one of them I had to split into two novels, so five is more accurate from a WIP perspective, but four is the correct number of NaNoWriMo attempts. Let’s just say it depends upon your “point of view” (an oblique Star Wars reference, in honor of Episode IX coming out soon).

Today was the third annual Northwest Georgia Writers Conference, held in Calhoun, Georgia. I did double duty at the conference, running the NaNoWriMo Write-In room and speed presenting on NaNoWriMo – what it is and how to prep for it. It was a great day, with some great authors and speakers. You can check out all the details at their website –

I wanted to mention a bit about the featured image for today’s post. I usually find some (free) stock photography for my featured images, but this time I am posting this photo from a cruise excursion I took several years ago. It was a forest zipline and because of the lighting in the shot, you can’t really see the other end of the line very well. I see this as a symbol of the NaNoWriMo experience. You can’t see the end very clearly, or at all, but the journey should be great fun!

Until I post next…

Repost – My First NaNoWriMo Attempt Announcement

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is a reposting of the announcement of my first NaNoWriMo attempt in 2011, the year I started on the 15th of November and did not manage to pump out 50,000 words. It’s the first post I’ve come across that didn’t involve substantial ranting about the state of politics leading up to the reelection of he-who-will-not-be-named, the 44th president of the United States. I’ll refrain from reposting those, as they display, for all to read, a coarser and very sarcastic side of me that I am not particularly proud of. There was not much else in those posts aside from updates on my NaNoWriMo progress and promises of things that never came to pass, so I will let them slide into the digital dustbin.

Here goes…

Writing, Writing, Writing – originally posted November 21, 2011

I am 10,000 words into my book now… oh, I didn’t mention my book before?

I know, I haven’t mentioned it, sorry, but I had to open this post with something interesting. I signed up for the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) event about halfway through November, which was kind of silly, since the goal of the event is for people to craft 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days. Yes, that is 1,667 words a day, a somewhat challenging goal for anyone who is not a professional writer or seasoned veteran of journaling (my spell-check tells me that is not a word, but I know some of you do it).

The idea is not so much to have a “finished” work by month’s end, but to have that pile of 50,000 words to mold and shape into something potentially publishable. The event is in its 13th year if I count correctly and has produced many published novels including Water for Elephants, a best-seller by Sara Gruen that was made into a movie. I am not so egotistical that I think that I will have a best seller (although that would be ultimately cool). I realize that probably 7,500 of those 10,000 words are either passively rendered, misspelled, repeated too often, or just bad prose, but I am plugging on in hopes that I can at least say I tried.

So, I am 10,000 words into my book/novel/whatever. I have pieces of several chapters, but no completed chapters. My goal for the end of the month, since there is no way I can achieve the 50,000 word goal of NaNoWriMo, is to have at least once chapter completed with all scenes in place.

As I am a complete beginner at this and have no real idea what I am doing, the book I am writing is constantly morphing. I see where I am overly descriptive and bog down in details. So I edit and move and cut and modify so that the novel fits my new mental framework for it each day. If I don’t finish the manuscript it will be because I never quit editing or I get so tired of editing that I finally give up the goal of writing a book.

My attention span is not my strongest character attribute, so I hope that this project gives me a challenge and teaches me to stay with a task until it is complete. No sneak previews of my book right now. I will tell you the (working) title is “Opposition” and it is a suspense, thriller, action novel (not sure how much of each will survive the edits) set in present time. Maybe I will post a snippet of one of the chapters in December. That is pretty dangerous to do since it could all change before/if it gets published!

So wish me luck on my book if you don’t mind. I will need it.

Site Changes and Other Minutia

Est. Reading Time: < 1 minute

In case you didn’t notice, I’ve been playing with the site theme. I’ve gone through over a dozen themes, with about a dozen left to investigate. They look so great on their demo sites, but once you actually put them on your site, getting them to look good is, shall we say, challenging. I’ve desperately been looking for a theme similar to the default WordPress theme “2017”, which is what I was running when I first set this up.

The current theme, Moesia, is OK, but not exactly what I want. My main gripe is that the header image, which starts full page, makes you think there isn’t anything there except an image. There’s no title visible until you scroll down, which is not what I want it to do. Most of the other elements are good and the theme is fairly customizable for a free one (I’m a cheapskate, remember?).

But I’m still not happy.

You probably wonder why I even care, as little as I post to this site, but I do, and I think (and believe) that if I can make it look good, I’ll be more apt to post. Who knows?

I’m still working on those posts I promised in my last entry…hopefully I will finish one tonight. If not, it may be a couple of days before I finish it. It’s coming.

Stay tuned…

About Life Getting In The Way…

Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s funny how the life you want to live keeps getting interrupted by the life that is. Or maybe, it’s not that funny for you. I have to admit, it’s not that funny for me, but I’m set on moving forward.

It’s been months since I have posted, as usual. When last I posted, we were looking for a house, I was looking for some old blog posts, and everyone was looking for some sanity to come out of Washington D.C.. We did at least find a house, but as for those old blog posts and sanity from D.C., those have yet to be found.

Peter Mayhew and Rutger Hauer were still alive, but nobody knew Jan Michael Vincent was already dead (that was an odd one…).

I was determined to finish a book before NaNoWriMo kicked in again, but here it is, the cusp of October, and there is no way I will finish a book before November. Will I start a new one in November? Probably.

I am going to re-post some of my old entries. Actually, I have already done that. I dropped three re-posts right before writing this one. More to follow.

For the two of you who read this, I want you to know that I am re-dedicating to posting more consistently. I have a fairly full head right now, and in the absence of a pensieve, I’ll need to blog to remember it all.

A separate post is coming right up after this one, detailing some moderately deep thoughts about what I have been learning in my Christian walk over the past few months, from searching for a house to going through the life ordeal of seeing my daughter get married.

After that is another post, potentially quite controversial, about how I feel we as a church do a disservice to new believers before they even accept Christ. I will be opening up comments on this post as I really desire to know what others think.

What does the image above have to do with this post? Absolutely nothing…

Stay tuned.

Another Update on the Site Rebuild… and Some Thoughts

Est. Reading Time: 2 minutes

Since I haven’t posted any old content to the blog yet, I’m making a new post. I have several articles almost ready to go, but I’m missing a whole set of articles, particularly many chess games and some articles about my writing, so I’ve been doing a deep dive on my hard drives and server to find those files. No luck as yet. Which is eerie. I don’t ever delete anything…

…which is both a good and a bad thing. Good, because you never know when something might be useful again, or you’re in the mood for some nostalgia. Bad, because sometimes you should just clean out the clutter. Cleaning out the clutter is a discipline, at least for me, as I am loath to get rid of anything, digital or physical.

Sometimes, it is the right thing to do. Bear with me as I get spiritual here. Sometimes we need to ditch bad habits, bad influences, laziness, a desire for comfort, and the slightest hint or shade of impropriety to turn around and be what God wants us to be. That’s hard, especially the part about comfort. We crave comfort, we long for it, whether it is a big house, a large salary, a nice car, a regular nap on Sunday afternoon, or just the right comfort food. Not to say that these things, in and of themselves, are necessarily bad, but to put them in front of our family, our health, our relationships, or God, turns them from innocuous nice-to-have things to idols. That’s when we need to get rid of them. That’s when our little comfort things turn into huge obstacles to our walk with Christ.

I’ll admit that a house is a big thing for me right now as my family looks for a new home. The pressure over the search looms larger and larger as the deadline to move approaches. God will show us the right house, at the right time.

I love my Sunday afternoon nap. Can I survive without it? Yep.

Comfort food, to me, is sometimes the only kind of food, and it is awesome, until I realize that I’ve consumed WAY too much of it. I’m working on it.

But I’ve digressed…where was I?

Yes. Here I am. Sometimes we need to clean out the junk and clutter, and anything else that gets in the way of us following Christ. Do you have anything you need to clean out? Start doing that today!

More posts coming…