21 Days of Posts – Day 7 – Give Me Peace and Help Me Pass It On

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day seven of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

Peace. Part of the fruit of the Spirit. Something almost everyone desires. I say almost everyone because the year 2020 firmly convinced me that there are those who do not desire peace. I know that I should have already known that, as we are told this in the Bible many times. But even those who desire peace don’t always put forth the effort to be peaceful.

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21 Days of Posts – Day 6 – My Calming Music

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day six of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

Music has a deep, irrevocable influence over me. It can encourage me, excite me, anger me, and even calm me. I have different types of calming music, chosen based on what type of music I want to listen to at that time. If I don’t want to hear voices, I pick instrumental music. If voices are OK, then some type of vocal music. To really bliss out on vocal music, I tend to pick pieces that are not in English. Latin, French, even Russian all work to sooth me. Not having to process the vocal sounds, while still hearing their exquisite tones is an amazing balm.

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 6 – My Calming Music”

21 Days of Posts – Day 5 – Worldbuilding is Hard!

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day five of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

I mentioned back on Day 2 of this series that I was currently working on my fantasy novel and how I was a bit overwhelmed by the freedom to worldbuild for it. I talked a little about what other authors had done as far as worldbuilding and how it contributed to their stories.

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 5 – Worldbuilding is Hard!”

21 Days of Posts – Day 4 – Give Me Mercy or Else…

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day four of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list of each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

No, I’m  not asking for mercy for myself. I am asking to be able to offer mercy to others, to not immediately jump to the worst possible explanation for any and all perceived slights against me, intentional or not. It is almost automatic these days. That car that just blew past me? They are trying to weasel their way into my lane when what they should have done is get in the lane earlier. They did it because they think they are more important than me and every other car on the road. Maybe they are…who knows?

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 4 – Give Me Mercy or Else…”

21 Days of Posts – Day 3 – My Driving Music

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day three of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

I love music. Anyone who has read any of my posts relating to music knows that. I love all kinds of music. I like music to be playing pretty much any time except when I am asleep. Then it tends to bother me…

One place I like to have what I call “my own music” is in the car. I hate being dependent on the radio to provide me with music during my short commute back and forth to work. There is no skip or back button anywhere for the radio. Needless to say, I vastly prefer to have my own music in the form of an iPod in one of our cars, and a USB thumb drive in the other.

Why so particular?

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 3 – My Driving Music”