21 Days of Posts – Day 17 – Story Arcs Are Hard

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day seventeen of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

The title of this post says it all. Story arcs are hard. Just making all the scenes in one book coalesce into a believable story is hard enough. I can’t image trying to do so over multiple books, as many authors are doing these days. Some of the most successful books published these days are books in series. For example, the Harry Potter series, or George R. R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series, or any of the young adult series like The Hunger Games or Twilight, or Divergent.

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 17 – Story Arcs Are Hard”

21 Days of Posts – Day 16 – Why Do We Fast Every Year?

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day sixteen of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

The title of this post could be read multiple ways. It could be just a curious exposition of what the post is about, or it could be a whining complaint of why do we do this every year. I am going to focus on the non-whining explanation, so if you came here to try and find a sympathetic soul for your fasting doldrums, this post is not for you.

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 16 – Why Do We Fast Every Year?”

21 Days of Posts – Day 15 – The Effect of Music on the Likeability of a Show or Movie

Est. Reading Time: 4 minutes

This is day fifteen of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

We’re in the home stretch now! This is the last week of the fast and this is day fifteen. I chose this topic for today after realizing that some of my favorite shows and movies are not necessarily the best written, produced, directed, or acted, but they had fantastic music producers. Sometimes, the music producer is simply building on top of a great script, cast, director and crew, but sometimes, the music producer is the only thing keeping the show or movie in the memories of those who watch it.

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 15 – The Effect of Music on the Likeability of a Show or Movie”

21 Days of Posts – Day 14 – What If I Never Finish Or Publish Anything?

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day fourteen of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

It is a sobering question. For all the work I have put into writing, what if I never finish, much less publish a single thing? What would that mean for me? Honestly, I don’t know. My writing urges come and go, my creativity with them. I always seem to be able to psyche myself up for November and NaNoWriMo, but after that mad rush of thirty days, things tend to more easily get in the way of me writing.

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 14 – What If I Never Finish Or Publish Anything?”

21 Days of Posts – Day 13 – Give Me Perspective…

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is day thirteen of twenty-one days of posts between January 10th and January 30th of 2021. Hello again to those who read previous days, and hello to those of you who may have stumbled across this post “out of order”. You should go back and read from Day 1, for a few reasons. It explains why I am doing this. It is the first one, and I may make reference to something in it in this post or a later one. It also has a list with each day’s post (once they are available) and you can jump to whatever topic you are interested in. Thanks for reading!

I realized as I was about to start writing this post that I had neglected to publish my post from yesterday. It was waiting for me, complete, edited and ready to go, but I failed to push the button. It was late when I finished it, so I guess that is why I missed that last step. Oh, well. It is published now and through the magic of WordPress time travel, it shows as being posted yesterday. Cool.

Continue reading “21 Days of Posts – Day 13 – Give Me Perspective…”